Monday, April 25, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Man Who Played Spy"

As we showed last week, there were (and still are) Americans working with the Russkies!

But what about Americans the Russkies claim are working with then...who aren't doing so?
And Russkies, as usual, go down again!
Written by Gardner Fox, illustrated by Bob Powell.
Be Back Next Week for Another Exciting Russkie-Smashing Adventure!

Monday, April 18, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Fog Robbers"

Sadly, even today, there are Americans working with the Russkies...

...including a former inhabitant of the Oval Office who proclaimed Putin's invasion of Ukraine "smart"!

Scratch one Russkie sub!
You'll note there's a lot of exposition about Roger Wright aka The Avenger.
That's because this was the lead story in Magazine Enterprises' The Avenger #1 (1955), and was the readers' introduction to the character!
His origin was included in the the final story (which you'll see in a few weeks)!
Note:beginning a series with the character already established and operating was a common trope back in the Golden Age.
Written by Gardner Fox, illustrated by Dick Ayers with touch-ups by Bob Powell.
Be Back Next Week for Another Exciting Russkie-Smashing Adventure!

Monday, April 11, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Death Has Three Faces"

Atomic Missiles!
Kick-Commie-Ass Hand-to-Hand Combat!

Jump in and enjoy!

You may notice the art in this story from Magazine Enterprises' Avenger #1 (1955) is a little different from the previous tales!
It's by then-young Dick Ayers, one of the publisher's most prolific artists, who made up for lack of technical expertise with a rather exciting, freewheeling style, and the ability to do almost any genre from horror to Western, to war, to superheroes!
When ME folded, he moved over to Atlas/Marvel, where he became Jack Kirby's primary inker on most of the giant monster tales like "Fin Fang Foom" and "I Challenged Groot...the Monster from Planet X!" as well as the penciller of several strips including Giant-Man, and Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos!
Ayers and Bob Powell split the art duties on The Avenger, with the two of them producing all the artwork in the series! 

Be Back Next Week for Another Exciting Russkie-Smashing Adventure!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Invader from the Sea"

This cover-featured tale from the final issue of Magazine Enterprises' Avenger...
...(#4 in 1955) features The Avenger doing what he does best...rescuing an innocent from Russkies!
Or does it???
The Avenger isn't quite the wholesome, "gosh, gee-whiz" gullible fool the Russkies believed he (and most Americans) were!
To be fair, if the Russkies used an Italian, or Spanish, or Black female agent, she wouldn't have been so obvious!
Be Back Next Week for Another Exciting Russkie-Smashing Adventure!